Plastik Bern

Our Treatment Philosophy

More than ever, plastic surgeons performing cosmetic procedures find themselves accused of tempting patients to undergo medically unnecessary treatments. Therefore, I oblige myself to subject my entire medical practice to the highest ethical standards in order to serve the well-being of my patients. These ethical principles are summarized under my “ten commandments”.

This website is intended as a source of information for patients that wish know more about certain procedures or services of my practice. I strive to abstain from any commercial content that would counteract my ethical principles.

The graphic layout is intended to serve the aesthetic character of the specialty and should not be perceived as a constraint to physical perfection. While it is certainly true that a physical deformity can be a heavy burden on an individual, it is also obvious that physical beauty in itself is no guarantee for happiness. The ultimate goal of any aesthetic intervention performed in plastic surgey, therefore, must be to make each patient not only prettier but foremost happier.

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