genital cosmetic & intimate surgery in bern
Aesthetic genital surgery is a relatively new field that deals with the restoration or improvement of the appearance and function of male and female sexual organs. Various medical specialties work in this area focusing especially on the treatment of physical or mental disorders that affect the ability to have a fulfilled sex life. These include: plastic surgery, gynaecology, urology, dermatology, and psychology. The personal and social significance of these often as embarrassing and shameful perceived conditions is generally underestimated. This is made even worse by disparaging media reports using, for instance, discrediting terms such as ‘designer vagina’ that have made an impartial approach to this complex issue even more difficult. Thus, some general terms that are frequently used in aesthetic female genital surgery (syn. female cosmetic genital surgery, FCGS) are explained in the following section.
Labia reduction (labioplasty)
This is understood as a reduction of the inner labia (labia minora), if they are too large or overstretched. In addition to the aesthetic disadvantage of having a too large inner labia, functional problems can also be experienced, such as mechanical irritation and pain during sports, cycling or when wearing tight clothes or during intercourse. Furthermore, the psychological burden and the development of inhibitions and complexes towards the partner as well as in other social situations (swimming pool, sports) can be significant. For an aesthetically pleasing and functional reduction, it is important that the inner labia are not simply cut off or removed, but only reduced and shaped in order to achieve a normal appearance and healthy function. A reduction or tightening of the female foreskin (prepuce), to ensure adequate coverage of the clitoris may be useful in individual cases to prevent unpleasant overstimulation. Depending on the findings, this can be combined with an enlargement of the outer labia (labia majora)
Labia Enlargement (labia augmentation)
This refers to the enlargement of the large or outer labia (labia majora), which may be too small or might have regressed by aging or disease. An increase in labial volume may be achieved by the use of the clients own tissue, generally the injection of fat (lipofilling), or if this is not possible, then by injectable foreign material (hyaluronic acid). Loose skin and wrinkles can also be corrected by a tightening operation. The reduction of the outer labia is rarely indicated. Depending on the findings a simultaneous reduction of the inner labia can be combined if they are too large and not sufficiently covered by the outer labia.
Mons veneris correction (monsplasty)
This procedure refers to the tightening or reduction, rarely an enlargement of the mons pubis (pubic eminence). This region might have lost its shape due to obesity, weight fluctuations or aging. It may be too large or sagging and in rare cases might have lost its volume. There are various treatment methods, such as skin tightening, liposuction, fat injection or the injection of fillers to correct loose and abundant tissue or reduce the volume of the mons pubis. Depending on the findings, a tummy tuck or a labioplasty may be combined.
G-spot augmentation
This controversial method aims to improve the stimulation of the so-called ‘G-spot’ in order to enable a woman to achieve orgasm. By augmenting the anterior vaginal wall through the injection of a hyaluronic acid filler, greater sexual stimulation is achieved during sexual intercourse. This method is controversial, as the G-spot could previously not be proven anatomically, thus making its very existence questionable. Nevertheless there are positive clinical results with the so-called ‘G-Shot’, a term coined by its inventor, David Mattlock.
Vaginal tightening (vaginoplasty)
This general concept includes various different methods that all serve to narrow the vagina, if it is overstretched, for instance, due to childbirths. Vaginal enlargement can lead to reduced sensation and thus reduced sexual stimulation during intercourse. A slight vaginal enlargement can be treated with the minimally invasive laser (CO2-laser, erbium laser). More extensive stretching, such as occur after perineal tears or episiotomies from childbirth or due to soft tissue weaknesses and aging processes may require surgical tightening, similar to the treatment of bladder or rectal prolapses.
Appointments for intimate surgery with Dr. Scheufler in Bern
Before any intimate surgery you should have a comprehensive consultation and additional examination. Only in this way can you be sure whether the type of surgery will lead to the result you expect. In addition, your consultation will give you a good impression of our experience in the field of genital surgery. Feel free to ask for before and after photos to get an idea of what the results look like.
PD Dr. Oliver Scheufler, board certified plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon and author of this website, is pleased to be at your service for a personal consultation. Besides his main occupation at the AARE KLINIK, Dr. Scheufler is also scientifically active and lectures at the University of Basel. He also was a visiting professor at Duke University (USA). Please do not hesitate to contact him if you wish a professional consultation!