Aare Clinic for Plastic Surgery Practice in Ber Swiss



plastic surgery bern aare clinic

Consultations are offered in German and English.


Aare Klinik für Schönheitschirurgie der Empfang

You can contact our office on weekdays (Monday to Friday) from 8.00 to 12.00 a.m. and 1.00 to 5.00 p.m.

Phone 031 333 01 07
Fax 031 331 86 50

E-Mail Contact

Outside of the office hours or in case of an emergency please follow the information on the answering machine.

We try hard to keep waiting times to a minimum. Therefore, please always make an appointment and contact us also in case of an urgent consultation before you visit the office.

In case our phone cannot be answered temporarily, please try again later or leave a message on the answering machine. You can also send your contact details and request via e-mail.


In case you need to cancel or postpone your consultation, please contact the office or send a message at least 24 hours in advance.

Checklist, please bring the following to your consultation

  • Questions and notes
  • Old pictures (in case of consultations regarding facial rejuvenation)
  • List of medication
  • Result of allergies testing (if available)

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