plastic BODY surgery In Bern

The aim of aesthetic surgeries is to positively alter body shape in the most natural looking way by making corrections that are not at all visible or hardly visible. Aesthetic plastic surgery of the body includes shaping procedures on the upper body, arms and legs. There are various methods such as the reduction of annoying fatty deposits by standard liposuction as well as the non-invasive method of modern cryolipolysis (cold treatment of fatty tissue). Cryolipolysis, also known as ‘coolsculpting,’ is particularly suitable for people with small problem areas who don’t want extensive surgical treatment in the form of liposuction. In these cases, cryolipolysis as a conservative method can achieve a good aesthetic result. Clients with risk factors for surgery can also benefit from the non-invasive treatment of cryolipolysis without the risks of aesthetic plastic surgery and anaesthesia, and without the need for any follow-up treatment.

Another important area of aesthetic plastic surgery of the body is minimally invasive body contouring by the use of fatty tissue by injecting the client’s own fat (lipofilling) into areas where there is a lack of body fat. This method can be used in isolation or as a supplement to classic plastic surgery, such as liposuction, skin tightening or breast surgery, as well as a treatment of scarring due to injuries, to improve body shape or scar appearance. In addition, a redistribution of adipose tissue (liposhifting) with irregular fat distribution can be used to compensate for ‘bumps’ and ‘dents’, in particular due to unsatisfactory results after liposuction.

Pronounced excess skin, (e.g. after significant weight changes, weight loss or pregnancy) can be removed by tightening the skin in different parts of the body. Typical treatment zones for this are the tummy, hips, buttocks and back. The surgery is performed either as isolated tightening of a body region (e.g., abdominoplasty, gluteoplasty) or as a combined tightening of multiple body regions in the form of a circular upper body skin tightening, known as a bodylift. Circumferential body tightening may affect the upper body (chest, back and upper arms) or the lower body (tummy, hips, buttocks and thighs).

Wing-like excess skin on the upper arms can usually only be treated with surgical upper arm tightening (brachioplasty). This is also true for excessive loose skin with wrinkles and dents or cellulite on the thighs, where the aesthetic plastic surgery is achieved by a transverse (horizontal) or vertical thigh lift.

In the buttocks area, a decrease in adipose tissue due to weight loss or aging can lead to a drooping and flat buttocks. This is often not correctable with the use of a buttocks tightening alone. Therefore, in some cases, silicone implants, such as those used for breast enlargement, or even lipofilling should be considered, provided that there are excess fatty deposits available in other body regions that can be used.

Silicone implants are also used in selected cases for enlargement or contouring of shapeless calves (calf augmentation). On the other hand, if the calves are too large, an operative reduction of the muscle tissue or conservative treatment with botulinum toxin-A is possible.

In body contouring, the surgical procedures described above can be combined with other conservative treatments to best meet the clients’ individual needs and desires. The conservative spectrum ranges from the filling of smaller contour defects with injectable fillers based on hyaluronic acid, via minimally invasive procedures for tightening the skin, elimination of pigment spots and wrinkles as well as general rejuvenation of the skin using micro needling, dermabrasion, chemical and laser peelings, or treatment with endogenous platelet-rich blood plasma (PRP, ‘platelet rich plasma’), cryolipolysis or cellulite treatment using a technique known as subcision.

Of course, the basis for an improved body shape in the majority of cases, first of all, is physical training, which builds muscle tone and shape and improves posture. Conservative and surgical treatments are therefore complementary measures that can be used to correct problem areas that can’t be satisfactorily corrected with physical training.

Detailed information on aesthetic plastic surgery of the body can be found under the respective treatment methods. If you are dissatisfied with your appearance, or would like to improve a specific body region, we recommend that you have a personal consultation in the AARE KLINIK with Dr Oliver Scheufler who will be able to give you personal advice.

Outpatient plastic surgery: Most aesthetic body contouring operations, such as liposuction and tightening of the upper arms, tummy, hips, buttocks or thighs can be offered on an outpatient or short inpatient basis. This is possible at the AARE KLINIK through the use of tissue-saving surgical techniques, modern anaesthetic procedures and a modern infrastructure. Since 2009, Dr Scheufler has routinely carried out all the above-mentioned interventions at the AARE KLINIK on an outpatient or short inpatient basis.

Thanks to Dr. Scheufler’s extensive experience with aesthetic body surgery, as well as the latest equipment at the AARE KLINIK, outpatient surgery is not associated with any increased risk for the patient compared to inpatient surgery. In addition to the reduced costs and time off work, outpatient plastic surgery at the AARE KLINIK has another advantage for clients. Risks, such as wound infections with problematic germs, i.e. antibiotic-resistant bacteria that often occur in large hospitals due to the overuse of antibiotics can be avoided in outpatient operations in private clinics, such as the AARE KLINIK. This also increases the safety of the clients.

Your safety in all aspects of aesthetic body surgery is always a top priority at the AARE KLINIK.

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