Lippenunterspritzung einer Frau in Bern

Lip Correction

Lip corrections, such as lip augmentation, lip contouring or lip lifting, are used to restore lost or missing volume of the lips by injecting fillers such as hyaluronic acid or to shape the lips surgically as in a “lip lift”. It is particularly helpful for patients who naturally have very thin lips or whose lips have lost volume and shape over time.

The lips and mouth region are a central element of the face and therefore the focus of perception. The shape of the lips is therefore very important for the beauty and expression of the face. In addition to the important functional aspects, certain characteristics are associated with the shape of the lips. Curved, full lips are symbolic of youth, sensuality and pleasure, while narrow lips are associated with the opposite attributes and tend to be viewed negatively. Drooping corners of the mouth create a sad, tired or disgruntled facial expression and radial lip wrinkles are a typical sign of ageing.

Lip corrections have different objectives. Filling of lip volume and contouring or shaping the lips can often be achieved without surgery using minimally invasive techniques, such as botulinum toxin A (“lip flip”) or a hyaluronic acid filler or, if necessary, through a minor surgical procedure using the body’s own fatty tissue (lip augmentation). Lifting the corners of the mouth or the entire upper lip can be achieved with a “lip lift” or “corner mouth lift”. Wrinkles at the edge of the lips (radial lip lines) or around the mouth can be removed or improved with a filler, botulinum toxin A or dermabrasio. As varied as the aesthetic problems of the lips can be, so too are the treatment options, which range from a small injection to a surgical procedure, depending on the desired change.

Lip Correction
Duration of treatment0,5 – 1 hour
Duration of surgerynone
Length of stayoutpatient
Fit for social lifeoutpatie
Sports1 – 2 days
Costsfrom 300 CHF
The data for a surgical lip correction differs from the information in the table.
Lippen aufspritzen Frau mit vollen Lippen nach Lippenunterspritzung

Does lip augmentation make sense for me?

A lip correction may be useful for you if one of the following conditions is present:

  • The lips have lost their youthful volume.
  • The lips have lost their smooth contours.
  • You are unhappy about the shape of your lips.
  • You dislike your narrow lips.
  • You are bothered by age-related changes to the lips, such as radial lip lines.
  • The upper lip appears too long and covers the incisors excessively.
  • The corners of the mouth droop and create skin folds (“marionette lines”).

How will my lip correction be planned?

Careful planning is a prerequisite for a successful lip correction. Each treatment plan is individualized and begins with your personal consultation at the AARE KLINIK. It is important for your surgeon to know your exact wishes, ideas and expectations regarding the appearance of your lips in order to give you a realistic idea of the possibilities and limitations of the procedure.

In addition to a precise examination of the lips, other facial features such as the eyes, nose and chin must also be taken into account, as the proportions of the face are important for a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing appearance during a lip correction. Digital photographs are taken for objective analysis and documentation, which are used for communication between the surgeon and patient during the consultation. The goals and options of the treatment are discussed with you and an individual treatment plan is then drawn up. In addition to the advantages and disadvantages of the various treatment options, the risks and possible complications will also be discussed with you and how these can be avoided or minimized.

For treatment planning, we need information from you about your medical history (previous illnesses and previous operations), current illnesses (high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction), allergies or intolerances and any medication you may be taking. Therefore, please bring all current and important medical findings with you to the consultation.

How can lip injections be performed?

A lip correction must be tailored to the individual characteristics and personal needs of the patient. Depending on the treatment goal, minimally invasive (lip augmentation, lip contouring) or surgical techniques (“lip lift, corner mouth lift) are used.

Lip injections with BOTULINUM TOXIN A (“Lip Flip”)

Botulinum toxin A has been used for over 30 years to treat facial wrinkles caused by the action of the mimic muscles. The “lip flip” procedure is based on the same principle, in which a small amount of botulinum toxin is used to weaken the circular muscle around the mouth, thereby subtly lifting the red of the lips. Due to its wide availability and good tolerability, this treatment is very popular, especially if no enlargement or fundamental change in the shape of the lips is desired and only a subtle effect is sought. The effect lasts for approx. 2-4 months and is completely reversible. Side effects may include a slight and temporary weakness of the lip muscles when pursing the lips, e.g. when whistling.

Lip augmentation with fillers (Lip Augmentation)

Due to wide availability, good tolerability and treatment precision, hyaluronic acid fillers are often used to augment, shape and contour the lips. Particularly soft, easily moldable hyaluronic acid fillers are available for the lips. As hyaluronic acid is broken down by the body after a few months, follow-up treatment is necessary to maintain the desired result. The treatment can be adapted over time to suit individual wishes and needs.

Lip augmentation with autologous fat (Lipofilling)

The body’s own fatty tissue is an ideal filling material for the lips, as fatty tissue is available in small quantities on every body and is a natural and soft, malleable material that adapts ideally to the lip tissue. In addition, fatty tissue does not break down and therefore creates a long-lasting volume effect. This method is therefore particularly suitable for patients who shy away from repeated injections, as is the case with lip augmentation using a hyaluronic acid filler, or who wish to avoid the use of foreign material.

Direct lip lift

In patients with a narrow upper lip, radial lip lines, a long upper lip with excessive coverage of the incisors and an unsatisfactory lip contour, the upper lip can be lifted and visually broadened by removing skin directly above the red of the lips (vermillion border) while the lip skin can be shortened and radial lines removed simultaneously. The direct lip lift can either lift only the lateral part of the upper lip from the corner of the mouth to the philtrum or also include the philtrum and thus lift the entire upper lip up to the center. The scar runs exactly on the border between the red and white of the lips (vermillion border), is in most cases no longer visible over time and can be covered with lipstick at an early stage.

Corner mouth lift

A variant of the direct lip lift aims to lift the corners of the mouth in isolation and not the entire upper lip and therefore only affects the lateral parts of the lips. Depending on the severity of the drooping corners of the mouth and the presence of marionette lines, the corner mouth lift can end at the corner of the mouth or continue into the marionette lines. Here too, the scars run along the border between the red and white of the lips and may follow the sides of the marionette lines, where they are barely visible over time.

Bullhorn lip lift

In patients with a narrow red lip and long lips with excessive coverage of the incisors, the upper lip can be lifted and visually widened by removing a bullhorn-shaped strip of skin at the base of the nose. At the same time, the red of the lip is turned slightly outwards, giving it a fuller volume. The resulting scar is located in the natural skin fold at the base of the nose, where it is concealed by the shadow of the nose and usually becomes barely visible over time.

Dermabrasio of the lips

Deep radial wrinkles (“smoker’s lines”) on the upper and lower lip can often only be treated inadequately with non-surgical measures. In these cases, lip dermabrasio is an effective method to achieve an even skin thickness and a tightening of the lip skin. As only the superficial skin layers are removed, like an abrading of the skin, the lip skin regenerates without scarring through the growth of cells from the preserved deep skin layers.


Serious complications after lip correction are extremely rare. Nevertheless, every patient should be informed about all the benefits, risks and possible complications before undergoing a lip correction. A personal consultation is the best way to do this.

Risks of non surgical lip injections

In the case of non-surgical lip corrections using botulinum toxin A injections or fillers, bruising, slight swelling and redness may occur in the first few days after treatment, which will disappear spontaneously and do not require treatment. As only degradable material is used in injection treatments, no permanent side effects can occur. In rare cases, local hardening may occur after filler treatments, which disappear again over the course of a few months as the filler degrades. Inflammations or infections are also very rare after filler treatments under appropriate medical-hygienic standards, but may require antibiotics or further treatment in individual cases.

Risks of surgical lip corrections

Complications are also rare with surgical lip corrections. Minor complications, which usually heal without consequences, include bruising (hematomas) and prolonged swelling. The risk of wound healing disorders after a surgical lip correction is increased in smokers, which is why smoking should be avoided for 2 weeks before and after the procedure. Sensory disturbances in the lips are usually only temporary and disappear within a few weeks. Due to the intense movement and high blood perfusion of the lips, the fresh scars after lip surgery may initially feel somewhat firm, reddened or even slightly raised. As the scars mature, the scar tissue becomes soft and pale again. The maturing process of the scars can be supported in individual cases by additional measures such as scar massages or lymph drainage. After dermabrasio of the lip skin, both lightening (depigmentation) and darker coloration (hyperpigmentation) can occur. Hyperpigmentation can be avoided or minimized by consistent and effective sun protection during the healing phase.

General risks:

  • Hematoma (bruise), bleeding and swelling
  • Wound healing disorder or infection
  • Wound dehiscence (separation of the sutures)
  • Numbness (temporary or permanent)
  • Scars
  • Slight asymmetry
  • Depigmentation/hyperpigmentation
  • Corrective surgery

Overall, lip augmentation or lip correction in the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon is a safe procedure with few complications and a high level of patient satisfaction. The risk of complications can be minimized by optimal preparation for the procedure and adherence to the rules of conduct recommended by the surgeon before and after the procedure or after the operation.

How should I behave before a lip correction?

Our aim is to make the lip correction itself as well as the time before and after as pleasant as possible for you. You can support us and yourself by following a few rules of conduct.

For example, you should stop taking certain medications that increase the risk of bleeding, such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamin supplements, as well as homeopathic remedies, two weeks before surgery. We recommend that smokers stop smoking 2 weeks before and after each lip treatment, as smoking can impair wound healing and can also affect the result after injection treatments due to the pursing of the lips and the local pressure of a cigarette.

Before all lip treatments, patients who are prone to cold sores (fever blisters) should undergo pre-treatment with antiviral medication, about which we will inform you in good time.

For a non-surgical lip correction with botulinum toxin A (“lip flip”), local anesthesia of the skin is generally not required. Before filler treatments, the skin is treated with a local anesthetic cream, which is applied 20-30 minutes before the treatment. For this reason, you should come to the AARE KLINIK about 30 minutes before the planned treatment if possible.

Surgical lip corrections are usually performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia at the AARE KLINIK.

Day of treatment

Lip injections are non-surgical corrections. They are performed in a treatment room at the AARE KLINIK. Special preparations are usually not required. In the case of a tendency to cold sores, pre-treatment with antiviral medication should be carried out. Before filler treatments, the lip area is anesthetized with a local anesthetic cream, which should be left to work for 20-30 minutes, which is why you should come to the practice approx. 30 minutes before your treatment.

Surgical lip corrections, such as lip lifts, are usually performed in the operationg room of the AARE KLINIK under local anesthesia. In individual cases, e.g. with certain pre-existing conditions or for personal reasons, twilight anesthesia or anesthesia may be indicated, for which special preparation is then necessary.

After lip surgery, the wounds may be treated with a skin-friendly dressing or even left open to prevent wound irritation in the lip area, which is subject to a lot of movement. After a procedure under local anesthesia, you can go home immediately after the procedure. However, if you have undergone surgery under twilight anesthesia or general anesthesia, you will be taken to the recovery room after the operation and monitored until you are fully awake and able to stand up. In this case, you should then go home accompanied by a designated person that will look after you for the first 24 hours. This person will receive all necessary instructions from us for your follow-up care as well as rules of conduct in the event of complications or unexpected events.

The pain after lip surgery is usually minor and can be easily treated with mild painkillers with a decongestant effect, which you can continue to take at home for the first few days.

After treatment

It is important to know that the recovery time after each treatment varies individually.

After a non-surgical lip correction, you should stop smoking for the first 2 weeks, avoid massaging the lips and strictly avoid applying strong pressure to the lips until swelling has subsided and the injected material is stable. In the case of cold sores (fever blisters), prophylactic antiviral treatment should be continued for one week.

To reduce swelling after treatment, sleeping on the back with the upper body slightly elevated is recommended for the first few days after treatment. In addition, the lips can be gently cooled with moist compresses or cool packs.

After lip surgery, you should also stop smoking for the first 2 weeks, avoid massaging the lips and strictly avoid applying strong pressure to the lips until the tissue is not swollen anymore. In the case of cold sores (fever blisters), prophylactic antiviral treatment should be continued for a week.

To reduce swelling after treatment, sleeping on your back with your upper body slightly elevated is recommended for the first few days after treatment. In addition, the lips can be gently cooled with moist compresses or cool packs.

Only take the painkillers prescribed for you and do not take any medication containing aspirin or other anticoagulants.

In the first 2-5 days after the procedure, there may be significant swelling of the lips and slight bruising, which usually disappears within 1-2 weeks. Temporary numbness also disappears within a few weeks. As a rule, you can resume most of your daily activities one to two days after the operation. However, you should refrain from sports activities until the swelling has subsided.

The skin sutures are removed within a week. After suture removal, we recommend starting intensive skin and scar care with moisturizing skin ointments and light massage. The fresh scars should be treated with a special silicone gel for at least 3 months to prevent more active scar formation and to promote softening and fading of the scars. Fresh scars should also not be exposed to UV radiation for at least 6 months to prevent increased pigmentation.

After dermabrasio, the lip skin is cleaned daily for 1 to 2 weeks with a disinfectant solution and sterile water and treated with Vaseline until the skin has regenerated. Subsequently, consistent UV protection with a high sun protection factor is necessary for 3 to 6 months until the redness of the skin has completely faded to prevent hyperpigmentation (darkening) of the skin.After the operation, you will be examined at regular intervals at the AARE KLINIK.


After a non-surgical lip correction (injection), the final result is usually visible after 2-3 weeks when the swelling has subsided and lasts for 2-4 months (botulinum toxin A) or 6-12 months (hyaluronic acid filler), depending on the treatment method. After this time, a follow-up treatment is indicated to maintain or renew the effect.

With surgical lip correction, the healing process is gradual and it takes several months before the result of the operation can be conclusively assessed. The scars on the lips usually mature more slowly than on other parts of the body due to the intense movement in this region and may remain slightly hardened or reddened for many weeks or even months. However, they usually fade over time and are then barely visible. Swelling and reddening of the skin can last for a few weeks and disappear spontaneously. Scar massages and lymphatic drainage can help to reduce the swelling and promote scar maturation during this time.

The results of lip surgery are usually long-lasting. Depending on the desired result and the surgical technique, the effect can be subtle or striking. However, even after the operation, the lips are still subject to the ageing process, which can be accelerated by sun exposure and other factors such as smoking.

The individual aging process as well as lifestyle and good lip care therefore have an influence on the long-term result and, if necessary, on whether and when a further lip correction may be advisable in the future.


A lip correction serves to improve the appearance and is therefore an aesthetically indicated treatment. The costs must therefore be borne by the patient.

The costs of non-surgical lip injections are variable. The price of a Botox treatment starts from CHF 300 and that of a treatment with hyaluronic acid filler from CHF 600. However, the prices can be higher depending on the type and quantity of product used.

The costs of lip correction surgery are variable and depend primarily on the extent of the operation and the type of anesthesia (local anesthesia or twilight sleep/anesthesia). An exact cost estimate can therefore only be provided after a personal consultation.

The costs are composed of:

  • Surgery or treatment fee (incl. preliminary consultation and aftercare)
  • Anesthesia fee, if applicable
  • Technical service
  • Medication, fillers, etc.
  • Diagnostics (laboratory, ECG, etc.), if applicable

Appointments for lip corrections with Dr. Scheufler in Bern

Before any facial treatment we recommend to have a consultation and additional examination. Only this way can you be sure that the type of treatment will lead to the result you expect. In addition, your consultation will give you a good impression of our experience in the field of facial surgery. Feel free to ask to see before and after photos to get an idea of what the results look like.

Lernen Sie PD Dr. med. Oliver Scheufler kennen


PD Dr. Oliver Scheufler, board certified plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon and author of this website, is pleased to be at your service for a personal consultation. Besides his main occupation at the AARE KLINIK, Dr. Scheufler is also scientifically active and lectures at the University of Basel. He also was a visiting professor at Duke University (USA). Please do not hesitate to contact him if you wish a professional consultation!

Frequently asked questions about lip injections

We know from our daily consultations that our patients have many questions when they come to us. Some of them are asked again and again, perhaps yours is one of them. If not, save them for your appointment with us and we will be happy to answer them for you here in Bern.

How long does hyaluronic acid last in the lips?

The results can vary from person to person as they depend on the initial situation and the amount of hyaluronic acid injected. In general, a “shelf life” of 6 to 12 months can be assumed. This should be followed by a top-up treatment. This follow-up treatment maintains the effect.

How much does it cost to have your lips injected??

The cost of a lip injection with Botox starts at CHF 300 and with hyaluronic acid filler from CHF 600, depending on the type and quantity of product used.

What my lips look like after an injection?

The lips are fuller after lip injections, which is why they are also referred to as lip plumping. The aim is to accentuate the lips in a natural-looking way and to increase the volume of the lips.

Are there scars when injecting the lips?

Lip injections are carried out using a very thin needle that leaves no scars. You will not see anything of the procedure later.

Consultation for your personal questions with us in Bern

If you would like to have your lips enlarged or shaped, why not arrange a consultation with us at the AARE KLINIK in Bern? We will be happy to take the time to explain to you how we can achieve the look you want. Why not contact us right away?

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